Official "Kills" Thread

Discussion in 'Motorsports' started by 86gtscaged, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    400HP @ 2400lbs = SHIT FAST!!!
  2. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Well-Known Member

    Damn I didn't know they were that heavy. But I was going to get a supra. I think this is alot lighter than that.
  3. 86gtscaged

    86gtscaged Guest

    Its ok ..That mean you just need to push more Hp...
  4. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    there are certain advantages of AWD over RWD or FWD. each has it's own unique design.
  5. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Well-Known Member

    I can't even tell its all wheel drive since I have been driving it. The only thing is that it wont burn out.
  6. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    drive harder ;)
  7. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    i don't recommend trying to do that too much. burn out in alltrac equals fried clutch and flywheel.
  8. Shift_Lost

    Shift_Lost Guest

    :shock: word.. i tryed and the two times i tryed the clutch spun hard and stunk.. not easy.. maybe in gravel but man, need more power to chirp those basterds.

    on second note, i spun tellys seli through second trying to keep up with MR. All mighty turbo head
  9. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    lol I spun going to 2nd a coupla times. my first burnout I had my learners and I was starting up a hill at a stop sign, with a brand new F150 right on my ass (fucker didn't see the L) and I was scared to hit it so I gave it too much gas and too little clutch :p
  10. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    i burn through 3rd at the track and still manage 106mph in the 1/4
  11. SpeedDemon

    SpeedDemon Well-Known Member

    The only difference I can see so far is
    1.Can't Burnout
    2.Doesn't Slip while Cornering
    3.No Burnout around corners.

    So pretty much so far what I have is God oh Mighty Traction
  12. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    i think i lost traction on every corner on the way to and from school today, more from as i failed my midterm so i killed my tires to be on topic ;p
  13. 86gtscaged

    86gtscaged Guest

  14. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    yeah I spun all the way through to third once cause my tired were cold and so was the road...damn fun...
  15. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    early 90s 4 door honda accord with big chrome wheels and a good ol fartpipe. nice decal in teh back window too hehe
  16. 86gtscaged

    86gtscaged Guest

  17. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    if it makes it better i wasdelivering pizzas and my assistant manager was behind me hahaha
  18. JoeJack88

    JoeJack88 Well-Known Member Super Moderator Donated!

    some late 90`s honda accord lastnight.... 8)
  19. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    i can't play anymore :cry: :cry: :cry:
    stupid detuned turbo motor. feels like i can walk faster.
  20. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    it hurts so bad having to walk past my car every morning on my way out...

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