Official "Kills" Thread

Discussion in 'Motorsports' started by 86gtscaged, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. 86GTMonkey

    86GTMonkey Well-Known Member

    Beat my friends 1989 Honda Accord SEi. I didn't even rev the engine off the line, just started normally. lol. He was starting to catch me towards the end, but I had far too great of a lead. To be fair to him though, the timing on his car is pretty f***ed, so he has no power at all in first gear until 3k. Still, I felt good. 93hp > 120hp.
  2. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    i was playing around with a dude in a v8 commodore through town. never really dragged him off the lights or anything. he was trying to show off with his gf in the car and i kept getting the jump on him and taking off haha!

    i did however race a SSS pulsar around town and through some forest roads and it was pretty damn even. there was times when we both had a bit on each other. i have nothing done to my car yet really and he has fully exhaust with extractors and better suspension and wider tyres. so i was happy with my efforts lol i pushed the celi pretty hard though. had the tail sliding into too many corners which slowed me down a bit :twisted:
  3. 89celicagt

    89celicagt Well-Known Member Staff Member Super Moderator Donated!

    I'd love to see the vid of something like that, sounds like fun. :D

  4. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    i have no idea what a commadore is but the pulsars there should be pretty beafy. nothing like what we have here.
  5. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    oh man, what do u guys call em over there. they are holdens. like a performance car. maybe like the gto of america? its a general motors kinda thing... ill look it up and fill ya in :p

    the SSS pulsar is a pretty fast little thing! Someone told me that they have a little more power and torque down on paper than our celica's, but i dont think he was driving it to its full potential... it was fun all the same ! hahaha

    i need a vid cam so i can set it up and record some of my races and 0-100..
  6. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    what you call the holden monero is our pontiac GTO
  7. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    okies, it definately wasnt a monaro. it was an ss commodore. im pretty sure it was an 8 but it didnt have the badges on it.. it sounded beef whatever it was :p

    u know whta an SS is? in australia..
  8. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    i would assume it's similar to our impala. let me google it...
    nope it's our concept grand prix SS which isn't made here yet with the old Z06 corvette motor. what were you thinking messing with that!
  9. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated! I was in town at a stoplight....sitting beside an 07 Sierra 2500 HD

    We both started going when it turned green..I wasn't revving high or anything but I guess he wanted to see if his truck was faster than my little car.... hahaha....He had be through 1st, but as soon as I hit 2nd and chirpped the tires, then hit 3rd, my rear end was at his front end....then we were at the next light...but he's like hey nice car! haha.... sucka!
  10. Youds

    Youds Well-Known Member

    nice gain some respect ;p
  11. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    man, ppl seem nice over your way lol if u beat someone over here, they'll get their mates to key ya car or some shit hahaha ok, maybe not that bad, but they hate being beaten where im from...

    and yeah, i was just having a bit of fun with the ss haha they are so damn loud. it drowned out my little celica with his crazy v8 sound!

    i love mucking around in the celica. its always fun :D
  12. 86GTMonkey

    86GTMonkey Well-Known Member

    This really shouldnt be here, as I wasn't in my celi but....
    So when I'm in Atlanta I drive my step-moms Miata. it's a first gen, which is my favorite of the Miata. Anyway, I'm driving home from the store and at a stoplight some wigger in a riced out Accord (I too was shocked it wasnt a Civic) drives up next to me and starts calling me a pussy. All right, the car is purple, I'll give him that, but it's the M-Edition, come on. So I challenge him and he starts shit talking about how his car is gonna eat me alive. Right, his 3200+ lb. car is going to beat my barely 2000lb little roadster. So I rev it up to 3000 and when the light goes, drop the clutch and punch it. He actually did manage to kind of stay with me until second. Then it was all over. He was pissed, I could hear him yelling obscenities as I pulled away like he was standing still. :D
  13. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    RIGHT ON ! haha
  14. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    usually people that drive honda's are gay


    more than likely
  15. MITT4G

    MITT4G Well-Known Member

    See I knew someone else thought like me lolol

    civvvvvvvvic lololol
  16. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    my employer drives an 05 4 door civic that he thinks is the coolest car..heh...i always bash it and he's like I dont bash your car and I'm like that's because my car doesn't suck...hahah
  17. slow_yota

    slow_yota Well-Known Member

    LoL..true story, but i have to admit i had a run in with an 06-07 civic Si,
    He gave me quite a good run..Thought he was gonna beat me, Scared me for a sec
  18. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    when I giver' in my car it ALWAYS grinds when I go into sucks....but it still goes fast ...but I sound like a noob that doesn't know how to shift just because my sync's are fucked....damnit...
  19. slow_yota

    slow_yota Well-Known Member

    jdm Lsd 5-spd FTW !
  20. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    yeah....I might get a new tranny after....I'm not even going to bother starting to list what my car needs lol..fuck...

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