I know Twm is the way to go ...But they only list 88-on Will the 88 model fit my 86 ??? Link - http://www.twmperformance.com/shortshif ... ifters.htm
I know TWM is having a holiday sale, but would they give us a better price on a group buy? How about it gang? t
TWM is having an extra sale this week, very good prices. Check it out - http://www.celicatech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22273 Tom
Sure makes a person pause and think about the value of things. I'm gonna try to make one of my own someday soon. Tom
No shit tom ...Ill be at the yard this weekend ..ill try and snatch some random toyo stuff to see if i can make something work ...
hey guys, i was wondering what an average price for the shortshifter would be? for now i just qhickly cut about 2+ inches off the stick (cause its like the size of a truck stick - hehehe) then re-threaded it... this will do for now but im trying to get prices together so i can start saving for a few mods thanks!
well I've got a spare shift assembly right here. Anybody have a pic of the short throw kit....I'll compare
all the aftermarket knobs I've seen don't have threads so you can easily get away without rethreading