Mephs 89

Discussion in 'Your 4th Gen beauty' started by mephtar, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. dan1_721

    dan1_721 Guest

    I want to do black, its just I dunno how well that would work with cans, also looking at rolling the paint, just concerned black would be hardest to do a good job, while white would be easiest...
  2. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    Ill let you know how my hood turns out, I rolled the paitn on it last year and had major orange peel. Im gonna wetsand off all the peel and then polish it and that shoudl give it a perfect finish. If that works if say just lay it on with a roller and get a lot of paint on the car, then sand it smooth and polish. You will proaby wanna prime the car first if you are painting white, its hard to get white to cover up blue I think but if you do a coupel extra coats u can probably skip primer. I hope my red dosnt fade too much. Im gonna keep it in a garage this summer so I hope that helps.
  3. dan1_721

    dan1_721 Guest

    Should be interesting to see...
  4. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    wow ive been busy the alst few days.

    Ill start with a paint update,

    Ive giving up on painting with cans, after lookign over the car and realising how many cans it would take I decided to grab tyhe electric paitnspray on sale and use canned paint. but for the record, you can use cans if you got enough of them.

    Rust Update!

    First off rust sucks!

    Secondly I started to fix the rockers becuase it was a blistering 2 degrees out today.

    I started off with reinforcing the original all of the rocker with this pannel (the V shaped bit si jsut to add some strength)

    secondly I attempted to rebuild the jacking brace that rusted away to nothing. It is wended from the inside of the car on the frame rail under the window and in front of the wheel well. (how does this look to you st?)

    thrice I started to weld in the rocker sections

    a pretty busy 2 days here, how does it look fellas?
  5. Klue

    Klue Well-Known Member Donated!

    looks pretty good, your welding technique could use some brushing up :p

    fluxcore mig?
  6. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    Yep lol, its actualy heaps better than it was when I first started to weld rust ass metal with a fluxcore welder. Its not the welder that made it look so terrible, its the differience in metal im putting together. Wish I had some better pics to "show off" lol . "Quick and Dirty, but effective.
  7. dan1_721

    dan1_721 Guest

    Glad we dont live in Canada! My rockers are 100% Solid and origininal. Iv also given up on the spraycan idea Meph, would cost craploads anyway....

    Iv moved onto priming the car with spray can primer filler, and then rolling on thinned down interlux brightside flag blue...

    Then polish to a blazing shine...thats the plan anyway!
  8. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    woo, one rocker is all welded up! Still need to go putty up the gaps and grind down the welds to make it slightly better looking. It looks primative, but I like knowing its solid.
  9. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    Here are some pics, I removed about another 70 lbs from the car today total. MOstly from the rusted ass bumper support, that I have removed for now. Front will definitly remain but I think the rear isnt as vital, not like my old one would have helped at all. Heres some pics

    I took the spoiler off to paint when the time comes/ I want to experiemtn with drag and various other things. ALso removed aluminum runners and side flaps. Cars a bit of a mess right now, but soon it will be painted.

    Here is the completed runner

    Side pic of car without spoiler

    My bumper support...omg
  10. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    Long time no update... been busy, but still working away. Ive got a couple days left of rust repair ahead of me but I cant wait any longer, Paint has started!

    Hood has been givin a base of red, so I can spray the whole car this weekend. Its sure to be an interesting day! Anyone have any tips for removing the adhesive strips used to hold the bash trim on the doors and Body, boy is it a pain
  11. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    Heat gun
  12. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    bah, the one tool i dont own. Im probably going to be putting the bash guards back on, so its not a huge deal If I spray over the crap. When the paints baking, I can remove the front spoiler and make it 1 pretty piece again ! yay
  13. Dman_23

    Dman_23 Guest

    You can cut the guards off with a snap blade knife, then use a piece of rubber hose (heater core hose works best) to remove the tape that's let behind. Rubbing the hose over the tape makes it ball up and fall off with a bit of work. This usually give good results as long as you don't scratch the paint with the knife. The rubber hose might leave a residue, but that comes off with brake cleaner.

    I never had much luck with a heat gun, everthing seemed to melt into a goopy mess. I'm probably just too impatient for it.
  14. Sinturion

    Sinturion Guest

    Or the Mrs' favorite high power hair dryer ;)
  15. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    body paint is done ! couple days then i can cut and polish, its looking really nice, still need to pant trim black. the suspence is killer, no pics yet:p sorry, soon tho!
  16. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    did you spray bomb it?
  17. ssscorpin110

    ssscorpin110 Guest

    so sweet that the paint is done! gotta get some pics up once your done the cut and polish.
  18. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    painted with Enamel Paint and Spray Gun
  19. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    few snap shots, only ones I got off befoer the camera died.


    little rough, still not time to polish yet
  20. sprey16

    sprey16 Well-Known Member

    mmm red and black !!!

    looks clean with them off but for me id have them on if i had your red car , only cause i like the red and black theme i guess

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