I DID IT. Starting problems with the new JDM engine.

Discussion in 'Diagnosis/Help' started by Placilla, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    Can you smell unburnt gas at the exhaust pipe after you crank the car?

    The engine runs on starter fluid and I'm assuming you tested the injector plugs with the NOID light and it says the injectors are getting a signal so I don't think a new ECU is going to help.
  2. Placilla

    Placilla Guest


    I don't smell gas. I removed the coil wire and crank the engine. I then removed a spark plug and it was dry. I don't think the injectors are working, but everything tested fine.
  3. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    check the opening circuit relay.
  4. Placilla

    Placilla Guest


    If you are referring to the circuit open relay that attaches to the side of the ECU, yes I tested it. It had continuity and no continuity where there needed to be. I could not find number's on how many OHM's there needed to be. Does it matter? Is there another Circuit opener?
  5. Placilla

    Placilla Guest

    Could it be the AFM??????

    I tested the AFM, but I have a question. What do they mean by Infinity? The say to test the fuel pump switch in the AFM. It should read Infinity when close, but I got nothing.
  6. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    Infinite resistance ie no current flow. Mine says OL (overload) for infinity as it is auto-gauging.
  7. Placilla

    Placilla Guest


    I got the vehicle running today. I woke up this morning and decided to test some extra injectors that I had using the extra fuel bar that I had.

    I tied the injector to the bar, hooked the intake hose from the filter, the return hose and hot wire the fuel pump. I then, using an extra injector plug, put power to the injectors. To my surprise only two of the ones that I hooked up to the bar worked.

    The reason I was surprise was because they all test good, 13.8 Ohms. I found four that worked, out of the eight extra ones that I had, then removed the four that were install.

    I tested the four that were installed and they would not spray and they also had tested 13.8 ohms.

    I hooked the four good ones and the vehicle started and stayed running.

    So, know I move on. I have an oil leake coming from the trany, I think, the speedometer is not working and whatever also I find. But, I was so happy to drive it today, it felt good.

    Thanks for all your help,
  8. MITT4G

    MITT4G Well-Known Member

    Congrats another fine mystery has been solved by the Great Team on ST162.COM !!!

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