Anyone know how much they would weigh combined? I'm looking for the 3S-GE stats cause I wanna know if it's gonna be safe to put in my dads Jeep to bring it here from Vancouver.
Oh God the jeep wil be fine I can put a Full engine where the front seat goes in my car- And the tranny in the trunk!!! FYI
well I know it'll fit, the rear seat folds down and whatnot, we just don't want this thing killing the rear end hauling it up a mountain pass.
it wont kill the jeep, unless maybe you have a 4cyl with 2.** gears than it might wear out the motor, but its not gonna wear out the rear end. if you have a 4cyl than it most likely has 4.10 gears etc. ive pulled a full size jeep waggoneer with a 1992 geo tracker 4cyl for quite a long way, the tracker is still going strong.
You will be fine hauled mine home in the hatch of the celi with a person sitting back there with it. lol
lol well its not my jeep its my dads, but JK told me that it'll only be $150 for shipping, which is about what it woulda cost in gas and food to go get it so I'm gonna go with that, much easier than driving all the way there.
jk is giving me free shipping for my gte motor from vancouver down here to renton(granted its 1200 for the gte and maybe they are quoting it in the price)
i've transported a 4agze inside a supercharged MR2. no issues. and a 4agze weighs quite a bit more than the 3sge.
eat it sucka! its not my fault that i drive the starlet with the 4k-c. its only 56hp! GIMME SOME SLACK!