yeah Ive seen the car around on the net..hes been trying to sell it for a while now..Its a waste what he did to it..damn I hope a real alltrac enthusiast buys it and restores back to its glorious oem state.
god its everywhere. what a peice of shit. someone should flame his ss for false advertising. that's a 165 motor!
i seen a gt hb out here with civic front lights and prelude rear lights...i didnt even want to park next to that dookie/\
I was looking @ this car for the fact that it was an all-trac before i found my GT (AKA BLARG MONSTER!) however it does look hideous and drives like poop. also he is asking way too much (he has a craigslist post for the phoenix area) and it was aking about $4,500k for it. sorry buddy lol not for that hunk of junk. if it were cheaper more like 1-1.5k i might get it and restore it.
hmm I see it all fine... ryes ass shit showed up here...I always assumed it was a rule from the old forum to keep it clean
that's cuz I turned the filter off.... I believe in freedom of speech...but do keep it somewhat clean...
I had filtering enabled simply because I curse like a sailor. Then later on, when I reread old posts, realize how much an idiot I sound like.