Noob help

Discussion in 'Diagnosis/Help' started by celica87, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. celica87

    celica87 Guest

    I'm a noob with everything.. so watch out. =)

    So I got another celica a while back. For some reason it is not starting. Nothing will turn on.. I'm guessing it's the battery. If it is... do I get a new one? What type of battery is best for an 88 celica?

    What else can be a factor for it not starting?
  2. celica87

    celica87 Guest

    It ran very well the first time I got it. It's been sitting in my garage for 12 months now. I want to drive this gem badly.

    Thanks in advance.
  3. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    if its been sitting for 12 months now, it could be a whole range of things... but more than likely its the battery just lost its charge...

    i dont know much about which batteries to get for our cars sorry... just go to your local store and ask them which one you'll need :)
  4. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    look it up at the Isle , 72 something i believe
    try boosting it and letting it recharge
  5. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    if your car is being stored fire it up once a month and run it for a half hour, driving is better due to higher revs. (I used to sell a tonne of batteries at crappy tire)
  6. celica87

    celica87 Guest

    thanks for the replies.
  7. zak062

    zak062 Well-Known Member

    dont make me hit you underscore!!!! you do not, i repeate do not want to "warm up the fluids". let me explain

    Before you store a car you want to tune it up with new fluids, plugs, etc. You want to drain the gas to as low as possible and put like 5$ of high grade gas in there. Now when you actually store the car you want to put it in a dry area, preferably an enclosed area and put a tarp over it. This is mainly if the car is gonna be store at least 3 months.
  8. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    hey that's just what I was told in regards to batteries. tarps are bad because they trap water underneath them.
  9. zak062

    zak062 Well-Known Member

    tarp/car cover OVER the car. If your gonna put ur car on dirt or grass, you want to have a tarp underneath it with nothing exposed. You should see what happens to a car that sits on grass or dirt for more than a year. it ain't pretty.

    i forgot to add to take your battery out and put it in a semi warm area. do not put it on concrete. just set it aside and when it comes time to use it, charge it at autozone or something.
  10. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    it really isn't. there's an old duster that sat in a field for 10 years being redone at my school. it's brutal.
  11. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    Well, If the car's been sitting for as long he says it has, then I suggest that he does a full tune-up as well, meaning new spark plugs, air filter, oil change and filter, possibly fuel filter since it's probably original, and just make sure all other fluids are topped up.

    Can you not find another battery to just hook up to and test? Any 12v car battery will work it just might not neccessairly fit perfectly...
  12. schmooot

    schmooot Well-Known Member

    full tank of gas is better and some fuel stabilizer
  13. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    everyone on the planet has a different opinion on storing cars

    some go as far as putting their car's on jackstands as to not create any flat spots in the tires.....

    crazy bastards
  14. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    psh or just dont let it sit and rot and DRIVE IT. maybe not tonnes but driving it helps keep ti alive.

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