Need bgb scans

Discussion in 'Diagnosis/Help' started by Gurr, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. Gurr

    Gurr Guest

    Hey, I'm trying to check my relays in the EFI system, something is wrong and won't turn the pump on when I turn the ignition on.

    So if anyone has page FI-98 from the alltrac manual and can scan it up. That would be wonderful. Also, any pages telling me how to check the AFM would be nice too.
  2. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    just jump the b and fp terminals in the diagnostic box.
  3. Gurr

    Gurr Guest

    Already did it, the pump turns on and builds pressure when I do that. Now I'm trying to narrow down the cause of the problem so I can get the trac road ready again. I've already checked the fuel pump relay and resistor, both are good. checked the efi main relay, starter relay, fuses, etc. Now I need to check the opening circuit relay and the afm.
  4. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    remove your intake filter. turn the key on. reach in there and open the flapper. does the pump turn on?
  5. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    My 88 trac BGB only goes up to FI-61

    Heres a pic from FI-23

  6. Gurr

    Gurr Guest

    Thanks ST165-2765, that helps me out.

    Mafix, I pushed open the AFM flap and I build pressure. So does that mean my FP switch is dead?

    Thanks for everyones help
  7. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    nope that means everything there is working. in the 16x chassis the afm turns on the fuel pump.
  8. Gurr

    Gurr Guest

    I knew the AFM turned the fuel pump on, but the thing is... the fuel pump doesn't turn on when I turn the key to on.
    So I suppose now would be looking at what triggers the AFM to turn the fuel pump on. Appreciate the help
    and if anyone can or is willing to help me out more please do. It's frustrating to be so close to getting the car to
    run and having this problem.
  9. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    I actually have 2 copies of the All-Trac manual and they both go up to FI-61. You will see in the following picture they quite often reference FI pages higher than 61 so I don't know where to find these pages. They must be in manual RM071U and I have 2 copies of RM072U.

    But anyways at least the top test in this picture will check the fuel pump switch in the AFM

  10. Gurr

    Gurr Guest

    Okay, I have no clue what terminals those are on the AFM :( Are they 1 and 2?

  11. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    Well from the previous picture I posted E1 is just a ground point and FC is the wire that goes from your AFM to your Circuit Opening Relay

  12. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    Heres some more pages for you



  13. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    Based on the wiring diagram you are trying to find the line I have hilited in red (FC)



    Based on the diagram it is a green wire and should be pin # 2 on the AFM or pin # 4 on the Circuit Opening Relay
  14. Gurr

    Gurr Guest

    You are a godsend to me so far, thank you very much :)

    I have actually found a wire that doesn't have a clip and isn't connected at all. I'll have to clean it up to figure out what color it is but it could be the culprit... hopefully
  15. Gurr

    Gurr Guest

    Okay, I put it on the engine. It was the oil pressure switch... Didn't fix anything. I did figure out the fuel pump switch isn't good in the afm though. I'm not getting any continuity between the FC and E1 terminals.
  16. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    Okay at over $600 for a new AFM I want to make sure you did the test correctly. If you look inside the AFM there should be a flap that is closed right now so you can't really see inside but you can push that flap (measuring plate) open with your finger to see inside the AFM.

    With the flap closed you will have no continuity.

    With the flap open you will have continuity.

    I'll post a couple of pics on sunday for reference.
  17. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    In the closed position you should have no continuity

    You must have the flap open like this to get continuity. The further open the better the continuity.
  18. Gurr

    Gurr Guest

    Well I've tried all the pins on the AFM, now accordin to the one diagram you posted; the male connector (on the AFM), the first and second pins (which are the fuel pump switch) are the right most pins. When I check continuity on these 2. I get nothing at all, open or closed. Now when I check the 2 left most pins on the connector, I get continuity when its open but not closed. So if the fp switch now i just need to know if the fuel pump switch is the left two pins or the right two pins.

    Also found that 1 of my o2 sensor wires came outta the plug. Gonna have that soldered back on.
  19. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    Well the manual isn't great at showing different kinds of plugs. The AFM plug does not have a traditional style locking mechanism which indicates the top of the plug. The top of the male plug that connects to the AFM is the side that has the steel wire going all the way across it. The bottom of the plug only has the steel wire wraped around its edges (pictured below and circled in red) So when connected to the AFM the plug is upside down.


    You can peel back the rubber boot around the plug to reveal the wires as I have done and confirm the colors. The wiring diagram I posted is for an 89 Trac and it shows pins 1 & 2 as being reversed.

    So if we look at the diagram
    pin 1 W-B White with Black stripe (there is a stripe just not visible in pic)
    pin 2 G Green
    pin 3 unused
    pin 4 P-L Pink with Blue stripe (it is actually pink compared to the white wire to the left of it their is a tinge of red)
    pin 5 BR Brown
    pin 6 GR-B Grey with Black stripe
    pin 7 GR Grey

    So pins 1&2 are reversed it may be a change from 1988-1989 but it's most likely a typo. There are quite a few mistakes in the diagrams

    So you do have the correct pins (the left two pins) :wtg: and that means the Fuel Pump Switch in the AFM is working.
  20. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    BTW I did find a copy of RM071U on e-bay so when I get it I can post FI-98 for you.

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