This what you basically start out with • The cable from the gas pedal to the cruise control • A cable going from the cruise control to the Throttle Body • Plus one vacuum hose from the T splitter to the cruise control Step One: Disconnecting Throttle body/Cruise Control cables First Push on the Throttle body to give slack to the cable Like this. The peg connected to the cable will be able to be pulled out because it lines up with the hole to pop out Like This. Remember to loosen the Two Bolt nuts that holds the cable in place Same thing with Cruise Control Something like this Step 2 Vacuum line rerouting Cruise Control has this Vacuum line T splitter The only thing You need to do is: Remove what is shown on the picture The hose connected on the left side of the T splitter goes directly to where the hose on the right of the T splitter was connected to Step 3 Remove Cruise Control Disconnect the White connector from the Cruise Control Three Bolts (Size 10 (metric)) holds the Cruise Control Remove them to remove the cruise control, but put them back in So no dirt comes in through those holes especially when its close to drive belts From this To this Last step rerouting the gas pedal cable to the throttle body Best way I see it, reroute the cable behind the TVIS Secure line with those bolt nuts Attach the peg into the throttle body Secure the throttle cable, so it won’t bounce around, with zip ties This change has a direct feel to the throttle. Very quick response Have to adjust your timing when you apply the clutch for shifting gears or slowing down I think this could also work on the 3SFE, just double check guys if you have one Other things to remove are the switchs: Wiring also can be removed yet that tends to be tedious and time consuming If you want, just trace back wiring to remove Hope it works out for yea and Good Luck :mrgreen:
hell yeah! man i wonder if that stupid vaccum line is my problem with the cc not working. son of a bitch! time to check it of these days! :mrgreen:
Hey, great write-up by the way. I just saw this thread yesterday and went ahead and did this. I've never used cruise control once so no use keeping it. Got a question/problem though. You'll see in the picture below that I do not have that T-Splitter for the vacuum hose. The Vacuum hose simply comes from the TB and goes directly to the cruise control. So my question is: What do I do with this Vacuum hose? It stumped me yesterday so I called it a night before the mosquitoes got more samples of my blood :mrgreen: . Though before going in I did manage to get everything taken out and re-routed the throttle cable; just this bit left. Here's a close up of the Vacuum hose coming off the TB. Thanks for any help!!! -Tanner
K, never mind I found some vacuum hose caps at the parts store. They work perfectly. Here's some pictures; thanks again for the write-up. Wow, this engine bay needs a cleaning!
i was about to reply to your question since i saw it at work while on break but i needed my photo editing program to show you what could be done. to tell you the truth, i wasn't really sure it would work. Since you blocked it off with a cap and it works fine...then you figured it out. its fine. with the cc removed it seems more open, so i'm glad it worked out sorry i couldn't respond to you as soon as possible is killing me.
Oh no worries, I know how it is. I'm working my a** of at work; I have become a working stiff now :x . But yeah the plugs I used said Vacuum Cap on the container so must be the right thing, they were also a snug fit so they shouldn't go anywhere. Thanks again for the write-up.
i suppose, i rarely ever have to drive more than an hour anyways and its barely ever on high way with no i dont regret it at all
yeah. bad thing is im only 90% sure it works still. when i got the car i used it on the high way and it worked great, the accel and decel buttons etc all worked. but i tried it before i took it out, on a couple roads around the area where the speed limit is 30mph, and it didnt work. im not sure if you have to be going certain speeds like high way speeds or what, or i could have had a hose unplugged or something, and i also dont have the buttons for it, as i dont want to remove them from the interior.
Not anymore it doesn't :mrgreen: Only the interior A/C button is still there. p.s Reason I removed my CC was because I have never even had a thought to use it while driving. Done a couple 900 km round trip road trips and even then it never came into mind to use it. So basically there was no use to have it when I don't use it.
Not anymore it doesn't :mrgreen: Only the interior A/C button is still there. p.s Reason I removed my CC was because I have never even had a thought to use it while driving. Done a couple 900 km round trip road trips and even then it never came into mind to use it. So basically there was no use to have it when I don't use it.[/quote:2un25r9x] what size was the new belt u had to get?