Well today i was bored today and i started by taking out my alternator and such, messing with the air intake and then i got creative. So i took off my strut bar, battery tie down, and rad mounts and see what happens when theres a can of blue metalic spray paint just lieing around. comments? plz?
i think that looks cool hey. goes well with the blue paint job on the engine bay of your car! really makes the engine bay as a whole look brighter and better mate! might attack mine armed with a spray can soon haha
A lil trick to get it to shine like that is to primer it first and i used duralast metalic heat resistant paint.
if you dont primer first, it comes out a weird ass blue. I found that out the hard way on a 5th gen i had.
I like that colour, stands out nice, would look really damn good on a white car! I'm thinking of painting my bar and whatnot, any suggestions on colours?
Welcome to the world of turbo. Check this out. With a GE and FE engine in the car. To bleed the clutch you have someone pump and you reach down with you 8 or 10mm wrench and do your thing. With the GTE, you have to unbolt the Fuse box from the batt. bracket and move out of the way, remove intake hose and you just have enough room to get your fat hands down in there. lol. Back in the day when I was complaining about having to work on the celi evey other day. Someone said " lol, you haven't owned an alltrac." God do I know what he is talking about now.
from what i see in that pic, you guys don't have enough money to do that. notice the lack of AFM? means stand alone EMS. plus the 185 swap. and all the other BS, smells like 10K to me.