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Best option for a manual Rack .//.??

Discussion in 'Suspension / Steering' started by 86gtscaged, Jan 30, 2007.

  1. Jimbo246

    Jimbo246 Guest

    so whats the down sides to cutting the belt? i dont know much about the steering so enlighten me :)
  2. locost7

    locost7 Guest

    you are still pushing the fluid in the cylinder, would recommend making a u joint on the rack itself and draining the fluid
  3. Dman_23

    Dman_23 Guest

    locost, if what you say is true then I definitely need more info on that swap. Finally a manual rack for my race car. Some pics and any other tips you could offfer would be great.

    And guys with broken P/S - fix it before it gets worse and more expensive. (And you have to park your Celica). Once the seals are gone and the fluid leaks out the rack slowly self-destructs through lack of lubrication.
  4. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    just out of curiosity how does it save the rack?
  5. Dman_23

    Dman_23 Guest

    Sorry meph, i'm not sure what you're asking. Who is this question directed at?

    And jimbo, cutting the belt (or removing it if you're not completely lazy - you don't even have to remove the alt belt if you do it right) just makes the steering stiff. It not unsafe, just hard to turn in parking lots when you are moving slow. Try getting your car rolling in a parking lot or empty street, then pop it into neutral or declutch, and turn off the engine. Then try steering the car. This will also make it a lot harder to brake (no power assist when the engine is off) so do it in a deserted area to be safe.
  6. Jimbo246

    Jimbo246 Guest

    I just took the pump off and am starting to repair it with a kit, so need for losing the cable. but i do not mind driving without power steering anyways.
  7. locost7

    locost7 Guest

    how do i post pictures?
  8. locost7

    locost7 Guest

    i would be happy to post some pictures of what i did, i would just need some help in knowing how to post them
  9. mephtar

    mephtar Well-Known Member

    host the image on a site like www.imageshack.us then upload, it will give you a url link to the image you post that image by typing [​IMG]
  10. Dman_23

    Dman_23 Guest

    This is a bit of a bump, I just don't want this thread lost and forgotten.

    Locost, post those pics when you have the time. Imageshack is probably best, like meph said.

    Hopefully I can get out to the wreckers to find one of these manual racks.

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