Another Celica bits the dust

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 88V6Celi, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. 88V6Celi

    88V6Celi Well-Known Member

    This link was sent to me by our club president, He sent it to me because i am the competetion director and design our tracks (as if I would ever do something like this). I met the owner of the Celica last October, nice guy, nice car, too bad.
  2. JoeJack88

    JoeJack88 Well-Known Member Super Moderator Donated!

    WOW THAT SUCKS :shock: Soo many nice cars ruined ....
  3. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    major suckage. definately not a good set up as far as parking area, I wouldn't have parked anywhere near the front lines of that to begin with.
  4. Shift_Lost

    Shift_Lost Guest

    that celica and that Grey MR were nice cars. i have personaly raced with the MR at a rally race. and the celica was there too...

    Its a misfortune for the cars that were affected. The atleast the MR was not damaged. but Hey. nobody was hurt or killed.

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