unfortnately ive had no luck selling the cars and time is now of the essence, so will start breaking them if required. paypal is no problem and happy to post where ever i need to.
Hi I could do with the following if possible please. Plastic on the seat bases and adjusting knobs (both passenger and driver). Indictors/side lights both sides on the front. Thanks
heres pics of the eye lids on the blue one the black car seems to be alot bluer, and when i took the pics i was convinced these were bronze but now im not sure, all i know is they are definately not the same colour as the ones on the black car and these and arent as blue as the ones on black car.
yep got all them, see above post for pics of side light units if there what you mean cars are rhd though incase that matters depending where you are.
Looks silver to me.If you could maybe get a pic facing it straight on? It could be the light distorting the color
the light/cameras definately doing something to them, to me they look like a brown tinge to them (on the blue car) and on the black car they look like they have a blue/purple tinge to them, took some more pictures for you, (will there be a part number on the back which we can chase up for the colour? if i take one off?)
as daft as this might sound if you click the pic above so it blows it up higher and then lean your screen back to make it darker (on a laptop at least) it seems to make it more the true colour it is on the car (brown to me)
It looks like what I need!! Finally!!! I trust your judgment as you are there in person and i can only see the pics! haha How much would you want for it? Im not sure there is a color code for them
i'm interested in the headlight spray installation including the switch in the car for it. How much do you want for that? (so also the little motor with the washerfluid cannister
Yep they're fine So yes, will take those and the seat bits so will PM you. Also, the trim around the windows both sides, back and front and mud flaps if available would be good.
i would like the trim molding in front of the front wheels on both cars........you will have to scrap them off with a putty knife or something....shipping to 97216 they dont have to be protected as much as other stuff so shipping in a bubble wrap is fine. let me know prce of shipping please and a paypal address to send the payment to.