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Discussion in '3sge' started by Ant1, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    My 3SGE vibrates HEAPS, especially at higher revs... anyone else have the same problem? My first ST162 with a 3SGE didn't vibrate half as much.
  2. dan1_721

    dan1_721 Guest

    Mine can rattle the interior plastics at high revs, nothing major though.

    Im thinking mounts either loose or worn...
  3. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

  4. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    check those mounts!
  5. 86GTMonkey

    86GTMonkey Well-Known Member

    Mounts, definitely. Mine are so bad you can feel the motor move when you let off the gas or shift.
  6. tsb

    they all are louder then most though. Hence the interior dampening kits that were available. I assume you mean more sound then it used to though..
  7. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    Likley that it is the engine mounts, but i wasn't sure because it vibrates more when the engine is hot. Though the first thing people say when in my car is "why does it vibrate so much?"
  8. dan1_721

    dan1_721 Guest

    Mines even a little rough and all the mounts are pretty good, vibrates worse when cold. Probably coz teh motors choking on the thick oil in it!

    Damn that pic of your car slammed is giving me motivation Ant!
  9. Do you guys have access to alldata? If you do, or know someone that does, there was a bulletin about the interior noise level/complaints, and dampening kits became available. Even in the Feb. Car and Driver everyone to review the then new coupe/hatch complained about the ridiculous level from the exhaust, AS WELL as the interior vibration. So unless you mean something else, seems to me its relatively normal for ALL of these cars.
    i'm a learner
    well i try.
  10. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    Just finished replacing the engine mounts, pulled one out of my old ST162 so took me a bit longer. I done the front and drivers side and drives smooth as now.
  11. sprey16

    sprey16 Well-Known Member

    nice , soo how rooted where they ant
  12. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    my mounts are actually cracked... they were already bad but ever since it went on the dyno they just got a billion times worse. now they are fooked up and in need of replacing. it makes a nice thud when changing gears sometimes haha
  13. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    They both had collapsed big time, they could not have been worse. Didn't notice because one has a round rubber covering it and the other is right at the bottom of the engine. To let you know how much smoother it drives, i drove 15 metres to my driveway and noticed the difference 100%.
  14. alman162

    alman162 Well-Known Member

    you got newies? how much? where from? i need ot replace mine asap. its so annoying!
  15. sprey16

    sprey16 Well-Known Member

    hmm i looked at fine, my one on the cambelt side of the engine , had fe on the top of it wtf ?

    well i think it did :S
  16. Ant1

    Ant1 Well-Known Member

    I bought the front new and also rear new which i havn't fitted yet. Front and rear = $75 Sides $120 which is why i took it out of my old auto ST162.

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