Grab a razor blade- and some blue tape or any tape - wrap the top of the razor blade, on the thickest part of the blade, it will help your finger tips Trust me, Now lay the blade almost flush to the panel that is having the strips removed- going slowly try not to nick the clear- run the blade along the stripe it will peel up just grab with your fingers and peel it off- But go slowly it will go faster !
I'd suggest >>> NOT <<< using a razor blade! There's a "tool" for this, it's call the "l'il chizler" ... uctID=3783 Heat helps too, but I doubt you want to buy a heat gun. -K
All I really needed was a rainstorm and my nail. The bad part is my paint is 2 different tones on the left side above and below the pinstripe... bah. I guess Its gotta stay for now