F**KERR ... he told me 4wd i look its fwd told me its 5 spd auto which i knew was bs right away.. plus told me it runs... doesnt even start.. seems like the battery no sound at all when i turn the ignition trunks jammed (anyone else have this problem??) and he doesnt have the keys to the door (is it usualy diff key for doors and ignition?? or did he replace the doors or something??) so i told him get it running and get the keys and ill pay 350 not 400.. some back ground this guy was first asking for 500 and i was interested but went to look at it hes an ass hole plus this deal is going on in philladelphia (hood/ghetto) so what more can you expect but i look on craigs list and the cheapest celica is 500 (st 200k 89) but im getting st 141k 88 PLUS BIGG QUESTION the title says ODOM READING EXEMPT then on middle of title it says ODOM READING EXEMPT BY FEDERAL LAW WTF!!!?!?!?! oh no pics of int cus its just nasty... embarrasing.. lol but uhhh hey you cannot beat the deal for 350... IF it runs =]]
oh man that reaks of dirty deals.... i would be super sketchy on buying a car in that situation... make sure everyhtings there and quad-riple check that what he says is correct... cant believe he lied about it being 4wd!! it an ST hahaha what a douche!
yeh.. but the thing is right he acualy had a 88 all trak manual what he claims is that he got tricked by the previous owner (hes not very educated car-wise like my self) but lucky i have mechanic friends who know all that crap so he helped me check out car/ will help me fix car great friends =]
Hahha, that's the owner's manual; it has All_track printed on the cover so ppl automatically think their ST is an All-Trac. Wouldn't be the first time some noobie got fooled. Besides, The 165 was hatchback only, not coupe.
yeh it was pretty much a waste of my time and effort and excitement.. big questions "ODOM READING EXEMPT BY FEDERAL LAW WTF!!!?!?!?! " and "he doesnt have the keys to the door (is it usualy diff key for doors and ignition?? or did he replace the doors or something??)"
sorry dude i believe exempt means that they do no want to know how many miles on dis bitch. looks like she has some front end issues, but it could be the pictures. is his name on the title? do the plate numbers match the title? in all honesty a cheap car is not the best thing to buy. if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck then its probably a piece of shit. shoot did he smog it? tell him you are doing him a favor by taking the thing from him. and am i wrong or did he take both plates off the car? any engine shots? if possible i would hold out a little longer. you can most assuradly find something in running, clean condition for 6-1200 bux. no offense to our community, but these cars arent really sought after. keep checking around. shoot if you see someone driving one on the strret, ask them if they want to sell it. i had a few buddies do that. the hardest part is to not get too excited about the deal. you will end up kicking ourself. just some freindly advice
All honsestly Mate, I would walk away, they key thing for one, its either had a new ignition barrel or new door locks at one time, not a prob in its self, but when the cars history is so blank, soundsalarm bells. It is ceap I am sure because the seller know that car has issues, save up and as said you will find a better one for a little for folding.
yeah +1 for saving the $$$ and buying a nice one! save up for a all trac, im sure you wouldnt regret it !! its prob been stolen and passed around the community there or something... its a mess that you dont want to, and shouldnt have to deal with...
location philadelphia pa.. i looked on craigs list and all -.- sigh.. im probly going to end up buying it.. my funds are... very low.. hahaha my situation is .. very shitty so if it runs.. its good enough for 350. -.-
plus im planning to fix the whole thing up starting a job in the summer so.. hopefully i can make this peice of junk look like gold =]
why not buy a different car, like an older civic or something, then when yor funds allow you to, buy one of these. as i said before, these are not in high demand. no offense to our little gang here, but these cars are still on the road and wont be going anywhere any time soon
Odometer reading exempt, means the cluster was replaced or tampered with. Perhaps it was disconnected and the guy drove it another 200k miles.....thats why that's there. This sounds like a BAD deal and you'll end up with a lot more trouble than it's worth.
but i dont want a civic -.- eh... and i am planning to put the 3SGTE engine in there for sure possibly by next summer so not worried bout engine... -.- i dont know.. I WANT IT ARGGGHHHHH and fuck civics... lol
sounds to me like this car is going to soak up every penny you make/have. i would be very careful. if you like you can call me and i will give you the low down. one more thing, look under the car and check for rust everywhere.
low down on what? checking the car?? i got a mechanic friend whos helping me with this shit so he will be checking that kinda stuff thanks for you help =]
tons of GT-st's floating around down there, but this this blue gt-s hatch doesn't sound too bad for 950 at-all http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/669401587.html There's a white 5th gen 'trac, but says it has a salvage/recon title http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/626315422.html green 5th gen 'trac which doesn't sound too bad eith , seems pricey tho http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/625159890.html I'm sure there's more not adv. on craigs or some I've missed. Happy hunting! -K
thanks dude for looking around for me.. so... i ended up not buying the car .. he didnt get it to run and the title wasnt in his name... stolen.... LOL -.- thanks for the look out dudes.. time to go back look for another project car -.- hopefully i find a all trak for cheap -.- or hit the lottery haha ... ill go play some bingo or something.. sigh..........