First off; yes I have searched for the answer to my question and have not found a definitive answer. Has anyone installed an E153 tranny (from a Camry or Solara) into a Celica and if so, exactly what parts are needed? Below is a list of parts I have read from many posts while doing a search. Some posts I have found mention some parts while others mention different parts. I just want to know what I need. Parts: Hybrid axles: Turbo MR2/Camry inners and Alltrac shafts and outers. or Alltrac complete axles. Alltrac tranny cross-member. Camry shifter cables. Alltrac tranny top and rear mounts. MR2/Camry carrier bearing housing.
i know the camry v6 trans will fit but i am not familiar with the install nor have i ever read a write up on it.
ok.ok...I know I have a write up someplace for it, let me see if I can dig it up or find the link and see if it still exists.
Ok heres the link I found awile back. I have some other stuff I printed out that has better detailed drawings. But this will give you an idea. Probably outta print it out in case this site goes away.
Thanks for the reply. I did find this this site. I'm still looking for the info on what it takes to mount the tranny to the 4th gen and if the shifter cables are different.
very late post, yes i have personally put a 91 camry (3sfe) tranny in my 89 gt-s with a 3sge, you need a camry flywheel the orig from the ge will not work with the camry starter if you choose to use the camry starter. i believe you have to use a camry motor mount i used one and had to mod it a bit but not too much. all cables and electrical are the same, celica speedo will read 10km/h too fast, this is because carmy has 15inch wheels and celi has 14 if you have 17's or something like that it should read about correct. gear ratios are a bit diffrent. as for the axels i got a set with the tranny i believe they are exact same as the celioca ones but i used the orig celi axels with the cmry tranny
Thanks for the clarification. I guess for a 3sgte fwd application, the camry/solara gearbox would be a good install, less weight, but weaker overall. Good for short term power boosting use. So does that mean if i fit a camry or v6 solara fwd 5 speed in future, the flywheel has to be used also, or can the 3sgte flywheel still be retained. Cos if the thickness and spleen count is same, i presume the celica 3sgte flywheel can be left as is and its clutch. So 3sgte engine, v6 gearbox, 3sgte flywheel and clutch?, will it blend.
Yes that will work Bear in mind your shafts won't fit the V6 box either, you will need V6 or MR2 GTE inners I was planning on doing this till I hit the snag with the driveshafts, also the "E" series boxes are a LOT heavier than ours. So I've decided on a ST202 (S55) box, dual syncros, light & stong enough for what I need