Hi Chaps! looking for some assistance regarding a st165 cooling fan diagram.. The stock system runs a twin speed set-up, as shown in the diagram, im looking to alter it a little to suit my cars current set-up! In a nutshell the stock system runs two fans, one rear of main cooling rad and one in the front blowing onto the A/C condenser. The stock Toyota fans are super efficient at moving lots of air, maybe a big power drain, but very good at their job.. so good i have removed them both due to lack of space! I have also removed the A/C system and condenser but fitted another after market fan at the front, Still two fans total. When the engine water temps hit 85', from memory, BOTH fans come on but at the lower speed meaning the water temps carry on rising to around 90' but never get any higher.. This however means the fans never switch off until sufficient air is passing through at speed. I want to ditch the lower speed in favour of the higher fan speed, as used when the A/C system pressure got high or cooling temps got VERY high. I suspect on the lower speed the fans are seeing a lower voltage and on the higher speed the full 12-14v!? I can't see any resistor pack, like that employed on the fuel pump system, so wondered wheather having two relays in series would add enough resistance to slow the fans? I have attached the diagram and would like some others to take a look and offer any advice of loosing the low speed setting but want to keep both the fans in the system..