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Carbon Fiber dash

Discussion in 'Interior' started by garbled, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. garbled

    garbled Well-Known Member

    This isn't on a celica actually, it is a few pics from me doing my buddie's 85ish toyota truck dash. However, the dash is pretty similar, so I thought I would show it off.

    Basically, this is my first foray into carbon fiber, so we decided to just take a stab at it, and
    wrap his dash by hand in CF. Basically, we fixed a few bad spots in the dash (where it was cracked) by filling it with bondo. We also cut some aluminum and filled in that stupid tray. Lessons learned:

    1) It would have been WAY easier to vacume bag it.
    2) 60 minute work time on epoxy resin means brush time, not cure time. It took 24 hours to
    actually cure.
    3) Stupid us forgot to paint the dash black before starting. Some of the green/brown showed through when we were done.
    4) Its hard to keep the carbon fiber held into tight curves. Because in some sections we had to wrap it around the corners, this caused alot of extra work. If we just needed to drape it over something, (for example, an A pillar) it would have been trivial.

  2. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

  3. schmooot

    schmooot Well-Known Member

    how expensive are the materials?
  4. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    beautiful job! i wish i knew you could do that at the beginning of the year!
  5. garbled

    garbled Well-Known Member

    It's expensive stuff. We bought 3 yards, and all the epoxy, and I think it ran about $250. We bought some extra just in case we needed to do multiple layers, or wanted to do some more parts. To do a dash, you need 2 yards, and you will have a bunch left over.

    As for knowing we could do it, we didn't. He helped me do some glasswork on the celica, and asked me about doing CF work, I said I was game to help him if he was willing to possibly ruin a dash, and we just decided to wing it. It pretty much worked out. We figured if it didn't work, we could just paint it, as his dash was a ruinous mess before we started anyhow.

    Like I said. I'm fairly confident that A-pillars would be trivial. Actually, given my celica interior, I'm pretty sure A, B and C pillars would all be trivial. I would definately practice some with glass first though, as I have much more skill in that area than he did, and I think that was a large part of why it worked out so well. I will also add, that the fibre is very delicate, and you have to be really careful not to wrinkle or mangle it, especially when cutting it. We actually practiced by carbon fibering a few large rocks from my yard, just to get used to working with it on random shapes. I have the coolest rocks in the world now.

    I will probably do a few more pieces on my wife's EVO eventually, if I do, I'll update the album and let people here know.
  6. MITT4G

    MITT4G Well-Known Member

    I wish I had the time to do that... Looks great
  7. garbled

    garbled Well-Known Member

    I think start to finish, it took about 5 hours, including the play around-time to learn how it worked.
  8. CrazyAchmed

    CrazyAchmed Well-Known Member Donated!

    So...wanna come to maryland...I know of a couple of dashes that could use a CF treatement.
  9. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    Did you get this back in the truck yet? I'd like to see what it looks like installed!
  10. slow_yota

    slow_yota Well-Known Member

    id def like to have some of my stuff cf'ed...interested in making some extra $$??

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