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best spot in the car for relocated battery?

Discussion in 'Aftermarket Modifications' started by Alwayzsidewayz, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. Alwayzsidewayz

    Alwayzsidewayz ST162 Guru Donated!

    After Xmas I am relocating my battery, and switching to a straight intake, which I am hoping will make a small improvement to the engine.

    In terms of placement, I was thinking on the passenger side in the qtr panel, or centrally between the rear wheels, any advice guys?

    Car will have its rear seats and boot trim stripped out, but no cage.

  2. CrazyAchmed

    CrazyAchmed Well-Known Member Donated!

    I'd say behind the passenger seat in the floor board. Only because it will offset the weight of the driver, keep the weight low to the ground. It will also keep the weight centered in the car.
  3. Alwayzsidewayz

    Alwayzsidewayz ST162 Guru Donated!

    yeah that makes sense, I do want to keep it between the wheel axles for the least effect on my handling, going to then make up a box.

    I am amazed at the variety of batteries on the market thou!!!
  4. CrazyAchmed

    CrazyAchmed Well-Known Member Donated!

    Optima with the matching battery holder is always a nice way to go. Kinda expensive though.
  5. slow_yota

    slow_yota Well-Known Member

    Wow ..that is really smart..i never thought of that..

    Alwaysideways...When you do it..Do us a favor and show us how you do it..Ive been wanting to do this also but dont really know how to go about stripping the cables from the main harness and whatnot.
  6. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    look at where i put mine.
    on yours don't you drive on the right? if that's the case i would think you'd want it behind the driver seat because of the placement of the gas tank. something you'd have to play with on scales.
  7. Alwayzsidewayz

    Alwayzsidewayz ST162 Guru Donated!

    Will do, plan is for a couple weekends time!
  8. Toytuner

    Toytuner Well-Known Member Donated!

    I was talking to my dad about doing this with my trac today lol. We've got a bunch of welding lead for a positive im putting mine in the back hugged against the passenger side wall in a batt box.
  9. csnyder

    csnyder Active Member

    I would place it in the boot as you guys call it. Since you drive on the right side, then place the battery in the left corner pocket. I also placed an inline 150 amp fuse to prevent fire from the positive wire being grounded out.


  10. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    well the gas tank is on their pass corner. giving them a better weight balance.
  11. Alwayzsidewayz

    Alwayzsidewayz ST162 Guru Donated!

    I am looking at smaller high output batteries too, to reduce the weight, however from reading up on some racing batteries, they can have a very short shelf life, I am going to leave charging points in the engine bay so I can run a trickle charger as the car is not run everyday.

    Aiming to get the this weekend, will post pictures then fit later in the month fingers crossed.
  12. slow_yota

    slow_yota Well-Known Member

    sweetness... ;)
  13. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    i'm using a red top optima. it's heavy but i can leave the car for weeks and it still starts.
  14. sega01

    sega01 Guest

    Are there any impedance issues with relocating the battery to the back or passenger's seat? I would imagine that you would need longer cables which would create more resistance. Although, it might very well be such a small change that the relocation of the battery itself would more than make up for any small difference in resistance.

  15. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    no ill effect noticed
  16. sprey16

    sprey16 Well-Known Member

    i done mine a couple of weeks ago used 35mm cable its thick !! , and yeah it works great and is the same as having it in front , besides mine is in the rear attached to the left wall

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