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Skyline lights on 4th gen

Discussion in 'Exterior' started by 86gt-man, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. 86gt-man

    86gt-man Guest

    Hey guys i was just wondering if you could give me some ideas of how i would do this. I remember browsing the internet one day looking at 4th gen projects and saw someone doing a skyline conversion. My idea would be, to create some kind of plastic cover for the tail lights then paint that cover to match the car (so virtually the car would be w/o tail lights except the 3rd brake light in the rear window). Then (and of course i would do this BEFORE paint) cut out a circle (or two) for the red and a smaller circle for the white reverse light. so the end result would be circular lights coming from the hatch (i have a liftback) and hence looking like the skyline lights do.
    Just wondering how i would go about making the plastic (or whatever else you recommend) cover fit over the OEM tail lights perfectly, by making them the right shape and curviness to them. help????? thanks all.

  2. 4thgen4life

    4thgen4life Guest

    mid 90's es300 headlights and corners thats wat im doin and all u will have to do is make mounts and makes hood look right
  3. 86gt-man

    86gt-man Guest

    I'm talking about the tail lights, not the front corner lights, but thanks for the tip anyways.
  4. sprey16

    sprey16 Well-Known Member

    haha thatd be a one off !! , ive seen skyline gt-r tail lights on a nissan exa
  5. 86gt-man

    86gt-man Guest

    yeah i just need to know how i would go about doing that... anyone out there with advise???
  6. sprey16

    sprey16 Well-Known Member

    whch series r31 ? r32 , r33 , r34? of tail lights
  7. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    So basically you just want to put another layer of plastic over the top of the lenses that you can paint and cut holes in ?

    If so put a piece of saran wrap (cling wrap) over the area (lense and well beyond) and cover the lense area with fiberglass. Once it has dried you should be able to remove the cured fibreglass/cling wrap and cut holes in it and trim the edges and sand it for painting.
  8. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    I just found this pic. Is that what you want to do to the taillight?

  9. Mafix

    Mafix Owner Staff Member Administrator Donated!

    just vommitted all over myself again.
  10. 86gt-man

    86gt-man Guest

    yeah thats the look im trying to go for. not quite sure how i want the circles set up... but i will figure that out soon. i was thinking that if im speaking about the left tail light, have a large red circle on the left, a small white circle in the middle where the reverse light is (i have 86-87 tail lights) and a medium red on the right bottom side. and thanks for the tip on fiberglass. i just need to figure out how to get ahold of some and start this thing.

    also, i had a thought last night while i was lying in bed pondering my car (which i do oh so often lol) and what if i was to take the lenses off of a parts car and cut off all the tabs and knick knacks holding it in place so it would sit flush with the tail light on my car, then paint it, cut holes, and figure out a way to apply it on top of the cars original lights...??? i dont know but i just thought i'd run it past ya and see what u thought. it would save me the fiberglass work.
  11. garbled

    garbled Well-Known Member

    that red-gold-thing. Is that a celica? Where did you find that pic, are there any more?
  12. 86gt-man

    86gt-man Guest

    when i say thats the look im trying to go for, dont worry, yellow and red with lightning bolts and all these other tribal vinyls are NOT in my plans. im going original, but still respectable. haha. A for effort though that guy obviously knew what he was doing, well on the body work i guess, colors and vinyls..... not so much. :p
  13. rye

    rye Well-Known Member Donated!

    you could just mask and paint :D
  14. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    Sorry about that Boss, just trying to help out another member
  15. ST165-2765

    ST165-2765 Well-Known Member Donated!

    It was...

    In another topic on these forums

    Unfortunately yes there are.......

    If you really want to torture yourself you should probably check the general discussion forum
  16. sprey16

    sprey16 Well-Known Member

    bahahaha !!!!!! , made me crack up . i personaly dont like the circles just spoils it to me and makes it a xtra ricer , well somethng like that
  17. underscore

    underscore Well-Known Member

    stock lights ftmfw
  18. XR Pilot

    XR Pilot Well-Known Member

    Nope. Stock series 2 aussie lights FTMFW! Although, I'm yet to try them with series 1 vents in them, that would be my favourite combo if it fits :)

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