Couldn't find any of the things I usually use for leather care at the store today, but they set up a new display of Surf City Garage products, so I picked up this... One word....AWESOME !!!! :bowdown . This stuff is easy to use, SMELLS GREAT, and most important, works !!!! THey have a whole line of product, and it ain't cheap... But still is a ton cheaper than Swissvax, and the other high end stuff. I'm going to try a different product a week (cause it's all I can afford :ack2 :hehe ) Another report when I get the next product !!! :seeya
I had a gummi bear & swedish fish craving all of the sudden :hehe . I'm usually an Almond Roca freak... :drool5
Here's the next product....Dash Away Interior Detailer.... The weather sucked today, so I didn't do too much. I got up enough gumption to replace a bad LED in the Square's cluster, so when I was done, I just shot a few squirts onto the dash. You can spray this stuff on just about anything without worry. Just make sure to clean your glass last as this stuff does leave a residue on glass. This stuff is AWESOME !!!! Just spray and wipe, no greasy feeling, not too shiny or dull, and you can actually see where you missed. Another quality product !!!!! :thumbsup: the sound of that, a versatile all round product is what I like. Just wondering as we are OCD about cleaning our cars, are you the same when it comes to cleaning your home ? I am just as bad round my home, but maybe not quite as obsessive as when I was single. My mates used to take the mickey out of me and said that if they had to visit my house, they'd have to wear plastic bags on their feet :hehe :crazy
I try to... But it's a losing battle with the canine and feline corps... :colbert . Plus the ole lady and me are pack rats.... :smilielol5 . I'm old, I'm comfortable, and I spend wayyyyyyy to much time on my cars. It's homey, not sanitary, if you walk in with your shoes on, I don't grab the shotgun.... :eek5 :hehe
:iagree :lachtot oh man that was hilarious, having to cut the conversation with nate every minute or two LOL
yeah but shes lovable.........but trudy is gorgeous. if a man cant be comfy in his home can you really call that home? not to me. im a clean freak but my house can get messy as well. it just takes me longer cuz im lazy too.