The starter problem is what brought me to this site in the first place no need to draw an arrow to this thing OK, The reason why I chose not to do the relay fix is because when I checked the starter signal wire during a non-starting episode with a multi-meter, I got nothing. So i decided to bypass all of that and use a switch. My setup uses 12 gauge stranded wire, and this product from Advance Auto Parts (the add-a-line). You simply unplug a fuse, plug this in, plug TWO fuses into it and it already has a crimp fitting for your wire. And this product from RadioShack (momentary on push button). You simply solder the wires to it to connect power to your whatever from your power source. I wanted to provide power to the starter signal wire only when the key was in the ON position, so i found a 10A fuse right in the corner of the fuse box next to the clutch pedal (left side drive). Once again I used a multi-meter to find the fuse. That green wire then goes to the switch. This button fits perfectly in a standard blank in the dash if you drill the right sized hole. The wires are soldered and they have shrink tubing on them. The other wire goes from the switch to the starter signal input with a crimp on connector. I routed the wire with the speedometer cable through the firewall. With this setup, you bypass the clutch safety switch so you must follow this procedure to start your car: 1. press the clutch and go to neutral 2. insert key and turn to ON position 3. make sure lights and stereo and everything are off because i don't really know what that fuse runs. eace 4. P r e s s B u t t o n (hold until car starts) 5. DO NOT press the button while the car is running. I have been running this setup for weeks now and it stars up every time now no matter what with no problems. Not even in the cold. also it only took like an hour and only cost like $12
Good idea, dangerous in my mind. The relay fix is only like $6 to do. It does exactly the same thing that you did, except keeps the clutch safety on and only works when you start the car. No need to worry about hitting it accidentally.
agreed....using the fuse block like that is dangerous........i wouldve just made a completely new harness just for the switch and ran it as completely separate, not knocking you down just saying
my original signal wire was getting no electricity what so ever. and yes it would be very bad to hit that wile the car is running. you mean, connecting a wire directly from the positive battery terminal to the switch then to the starter with only a switch and no fuses? I do admit I don't know much about electricity, however, if it were to draw too much power, the fuse would blow. the system is protected by the fuses, correct?
looks well enough for me. you just need a safety cap over that button or something. or wire it through the clutch switch.
The safety cap is a good idea... gives me an idea to use the start button I have in my verso... That works with some safety shit you should wire then of course..