hey guys they bolt right on aye ? i can grab a pair anytime from the wreckers but i guess id need the whole section to the flexipipe?
not to worry found this will go pick up a set later , theres over 4 to choose from For the 3sge engine you have to either get a JDM 2nd gen 3sge tubular header or swap the 3sge tranny for the 3sfe and then you will have about 4-5 headers to choose from..i'll post links if you do the tranny swap..if not..Good luck on finding a jdm header..and expect to pay 250+Shipping or more.
i can ship you a header by ship - it cost something like au dollar per kilo , cost of 2 gen header is 50-100 us dollars with section to cat
no thanks m8 i can go up the road and get same with off a 5th gen for 1 dolla entry and about 30 min of my time and prob get them really cheap as this place is good for parts thanks for the offer any way
if you guys could pull 2nd gen tubular headers and ship them here you could probably make some nice change. I wouldnt mind a set once I get all my shitty bodywork finished.
How much can you get me aset of the 2nd gen headers for ? I had a set sent from the Uk and shipping was 90 usd and 60 for the header but i ended up selling it..needed the money, Can ya help me out ?
http://moto.allegro.pl/item341527523_to ... letny.html it cost 200zl , one dolar is 2.5 zl - it cost 80 bucks, ship to me cost something like 10 bucks , 90 bucks plus shiping to usa - if you want i can send it to you
rotor if u asking me , NO I DO NOT WANT TO BUY THEM !! ok i can go spend a bit of time pulling some off and getn them soo cheap it aint funny , to the guys asking for some , ill see what they go next time i go up there
sprey you wanna help a brother out with shipping power folding mirrors and corona bar lights with grill? :mrgreen:
I could really use a set of headers for my race car. If some one feels like sending me some for a reasonable price. ROTOR, I'll take that set if yota isn't interested, or another set if you can get more. Where exactly are you shipping them from anyway? I couldn't read that site at all.