Posting first photos of convertible Celica including pic of "zen" design dashboard...

Discussion in 'Your 4th Gen beauty' started by 5678tyui, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. 5678tyui

    5678tyui Well-Known Member Donated!

    Hi, I'm Breck from San Diego. Thanks for checking out my '88 Celica GT convertible.

    Here is a quick list of photos to come.

    - Photos with convertible top up. (Note: Blue top on black body)
    - Photos with convertible top down.
    - Photos of repaired windshield weatherstripping.
    - Photos of "zen" design dashboard.


    Photos with convertible top up. (Note: Blue top on black body)



    When I bought the car 5 years ago the top was in poor condition. After a few visits to the wrecking yard, a great conditioned top showed up. It was blue, but it was also $60 which included the interior and frame.


    Photos with convertible top down.





    Photos of repaired windshield weatherstripping.




    The top corners on the windshield weatherstripping were cracked and disintegrating, As I understand, it's expensive to replace, so I began I think a way to repair it. The repair involved a vinyl type of material found at the fabric store, and 3m two sided tape used to adhere it to the weatherstripping. This came out well to my liking and is holding up one year til today.


    Photos of "zen" dashboard.




    My goal was to visually simplify the dashboard appearance, particularly the center console. This involved removing the heater/ac unit and replacing it with a piece of cut wood for support backing, foam for cushion, and the vinyl material from a wrecking yard door used as a cover. Another filler was made for the smaller slot below.

    The heater/ac unit was re-routed to the glove compartment. This was done by cutting a hole in the lower left corner of the compartment to pass through the wires. Since the above photo, the heater/ac unit has been mounted to the top of the compartment so that items could be more easily stored below. I am not sure if I recall having to cut the compartment box to allow for unit width, but I do recall using two screws on both sides to mount and hold the compartment box.
  2. BogzillaGTR

    BogzillaGTR Active Member Super Moderator

    Looks very nice, like the simple center console style

    Sent from my HUAWEI G510-0100 using Tapatalk
  3. CelicaSteve

    CelicaSteve Well-Known Member Staff Member Super Moderator Donated!

    Welcome from the UK Breck.

    It's the first time I've seen a centre console done like that, interesting indeed. Body looks nice and staight.
  4. MRocha

    MRocha Well-Known Member

    Welcome :wink

    It's looks nice and clean. The console works like that?
  5. jacoja06

    jacoja06 Active Member

    Beautiful looking car. I actually really love what you've done to the dash, too!
  6. 5678tyui

    5678tyui Well-Known Member Donated!

    Thanks all.

    And yes, the console or heater/ac does work in the compartment. The stock wiring reaches just enough with no slack or tightness.

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