Seafoam and its equivalent in Canada

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wonderz, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. Wonderz

    Wonderz Well-Known Member Donated!

    So I see a lot of members use Seafoam on their engines.

    is this product that good?

    I've done some Google research and almost everyone has good things to say about it, but from what i have read you can not get it in Canada =(

    Does anyone know of a similar product that is available in Canada?
  2. Rick89GTS

    Rick89GTS Well-Known Member Moderator Donated!

    Try NAPA, I coulda swore I saw it there. I've never used it, but would like to give 'er a try.
  3. Celic_GT2

    Celic_GT2 Well-Known Member Moderator Donated!

    kleen flo makes a sort of foamy engine cleaner, works pretty good too.
  4. Rick89GTS

    Rick89GTS Well-Known Member Moderator Donated!

    Re: Seafoam and its equivilent in Canada

    I just called NAPA on Cambie & Marine Drive in South Vancouver: 604-321-4434, they have it for about $15 per can. Let us know how it works for you. :)
  5. Wonderz

    Wonderz Well-Known Member Donated!

    Re: Seafoam and its equivilent in Canada

    i'll be getting some after my next pay day then thx
  6. Rick89GTS

    Rick89GTS Well-Known Member Moderator Donated!

    So how was the Seafoam?
  7. Wonderz

    Wonderz Well-Known Member Donated!

    Still haven't beena ble to get it

    well my sife quit her job so i need to hunt down lost change just to put gas in the car >.<
  8. bobbyex

    bobbyex Active Member

    they sell seafoam in canada; in napa especially. occassionally napa will have them on sale for $7 per can. just remember though that if your car has high mileage it's not advised to use seafoam, cause it's just gonna break down your carbon deposits and possibly open up leaks that are covered by carbon. the price of replacing gaskets, seals, etc. definitely out-weigh a $14 dollar can of seafoam.
  9. Rick89GTS

    Rick89GTS Well-Known Member Moderator Donated!

    ^Good point.
    I've created more work for myself by monkeying around with stuff that was fine. Sometimes (especially with old cars) if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  10. davidsondarun

    davidsondarun Active Member

    I'm thinking about using Seafoam on my car but you were saying its not good to use on high milage cars. I've got about 145,000 miles on my car
    Should I use it or no?

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